Anabolic Resistance

Anabolic Resistance in Hypertrophy

Athletes and recreational weightlifters often aim to maximize the hypertrophic response to exercise in hope that it will translate to an increase in performance or a better physique. If you read something like this then you would think that you can get anabolic resistance from bulking. This simply isn’t the case. This is a perfect of example of people extrapolating data from science the wrong way.  I do think there is some truth in the body weight set point theory (1), but most people who suffer from anabolic resistance are either aging or obese (see more below). Furthermore, it is well-known that the best way to increase muscle mass is by increasing calories in combination with resistance exercise not just eating as much as you can and hoping for the best. Moreover, there is no evidence to show that insulin resistance can occur in a matter of weeks in an otherwise healthy person.

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